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WaterActive Jan 14: Groundwater Asset Management

Mike Deed considers the problems of groundwater asset management in the January 2014 issue of WaterActive. Groundwater boreholes are a key component for commercial operations where large volumes of water are required, as part of the manufacturing process, to service buildings, for agricultural or irrigation purposes. For manufacturers like Yuasa Batteries and world famous sporting venue Aintree Racecourse, high levels of operational efficiency and service availability must be achieved all year round. Mike explains how both companies have improved their specific capacity and operational efficiency through implementing a borehole management programme and using BoreSaver treatments.

Geodrilling International. Dec 2013: Groundwater Asset Management

Mike Deed discusses the benefits of preventative maintenance of boreholes, now acknowledged as the best way forward in order to control mineral and bacterial contamination in groundwater. Mineral contamination or residue build up in water well systems can have significant operational implications for every business that relies on an efficient and effective water supply. Encrustation and clogging resulting from contamination can lead to a reduction in the yield and bore capacity as well as increased breakdown of equipment. Where there is a need for continual flow, this can also impact on the implementation of scheduled bore and pump maintenance programmes which, if not properly planned, can become limited to a breakdown only basis; consequently underlying but significant contamination problem can fail to be addressed.

LATEST NEWS - October 2013

Read more about Mike's presentation of his latest paper at the Ground Water Conference and Exhibition in 2013 in South Africa.  Read our latest case study from Aintree Race course and find out how you can get free entry to the Aquatech exhibition where we will be exhibiting next month.  Click 'see news' to read the full newsletter and other news items. 

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