BoreSaver Well Cleaning
Well and borehole cleaners
Products suitable for water supplies suffering from build-up of iron bacteria, iron oxide, manganese oxide, calcium carbonate and other minerals
Recognise any of these problems?
Rusty Slime inside pipes?
Cloudy, rusty or dirty water?
Iron build up on pumps?
Blackish brown deposits blocking pipes?
Deposits of distinct whitepowder or limescale?
Reduced water flow?
Click here to view BoreSaver products
BoreSaver well cleaning, borehole cleaning, well rehabilitation is the approved range of well and borehole cleaners for water supplies suffering from build-up of iron bacteria,iron oxide, manganese oxide, calcium carbonate and other minerals.
BoreSaver completely removes deposits and residues that build up and cause blockages in wells, pipes, pumps and other equipment.
Completely safe and fast-acting, BoreSaver improves the quality, output and flow of water supplies and extends the working life of pumps and related equipment.
Footage taken from our R-CAM 1000 XLT borehole camera showing a well before and after treatment
Available in either liquid or powder form, BoreSaver cleaners are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. They can be poured straight into your well or borehole without dismantling the pump or equipment and will not attack or deteriorate any materials inside.
Tried and tested, the BoreSaver range is approved for use in private water supplies, including those used for drinking water, by the Secretary of State in the UK and by the NSF in America. In use for decades around the world.
The treatments are specially formulated chemical blends and are based on leading, independent research and supported by a range of case studies.
For Cases of :
- Iron Oxide / Hydroxide Residues
- Manganese Oxide
- Iron Bacteria
BoreSaver Ultra C is an approved borehole cleaning, well rehabilitation and water supply treatment. It completely removes iron and manganese oxide deposits or residues and minimises iron bacteria contamination.
For Severe Cases of :
- Iron Oxide / Hydroxide Residues
- Manganese Oxide
- Iron Related Bacteria & Biofilms
BoreSaver Ultra C Pro is the factory blended version of liquid enhancer and Ultra C and is a enhanced cleaning treatment for more severe cases of iron and manganese oxide contamination, iron related bacteria and biofilm.
- All purpose general cleaner
- Iron Oxide / Hydroxide
- Calcium Carbonate (Lime Scale)
- Manganese Oxide
BoreSaver Multikleen is the new all-purpose cleaning treatment that treats combination problems. It completely removes iron oxide, calcium carbonate and manganese oxide deposits as well as other scale-based residues. It also controls and minimises iron bacteria.
For Cases of :
- Calcium carbonate (Limescale)
- Manganese oxide (High Levels)
BoreSaver IKL Pro removes calcium carbonate (limescale) and related deposits. It is also ideal for removing high levels of manganese oxide or for combination problems where iron and/or manganese oxide deposits are present with calcium carbonate.
- Iron Bacteria control in sensitive installations
- Enhancer for entire range
BoreSaver Liquid Enhancer is used when greater iron bacteria control is required or in sensitive installations where quality of supply or flow is critical. This can be added to the entire range of products for more power.
BoreSaver Antifoam is designed to reduce foaming following any BoreSaver remediation work.
Available in 1 Ltr and 5 Ltrs
Making a definitive diagnosis as to the presence of iron-reducing bacteria within a water well, pipeline etc. can be difficult. Which is why Geoquip is proud to offer a patented Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of iron-related bacteria.
Box of 9 tests.
Much like our test for Iron Bacteria, this Biological Reaction Activity Test (BART) for Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria makes determining the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria easy.
Box of 9 tests.
Geoquip is proud to offer a, definitive test for the detecting Slime-forming bacteria with our Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Testing kit.
Box of 9 tests.
Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria - HAB.
Box of 9 tests.
Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Acid Producing Bacteria - APB
Box of 9 tests.
Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Denitrifying Bacteria - DN
Box of 9 tests.
Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Fluorescent Psuedomonads - FLOR
Box of 9 tests.
Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Mirco ALGAE - ALGE
Box of 9 tests.
Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Nitrifying Bacteria - N
Box of 9 tests.
1.5 ton manhole cover seal breaker with 8 interchangeable screw tips. 1.5 tonnes of pressure to break a seal and safely remove a manhole cover.