The Netvitc System® lineal check valve offers a unique solution in its installations, avoiding undesired counterflows and providing a great protection against water hammering, and all this with a minimum loss of charge and guaranteed water tightness with 0,1 bar pressure.
The range may use two materials for the body, the standard in GFPP and the polycarbonate fluid display which adds to the valve characteristics a fluid display function, providing a high added value in installations such as swimming-pool or water treatment
Netvitc System® is a mechanical connection system based on the “J-Bil” joint and the Netvitc System® flange, which allow you to easily join elements to each other with little work. It allows fittings to be joined together and taken apart quicker and easier compared to other traditional systems
As it is a mechanical system, it enables you to insert different models and materials saving a great deal of time and with an improvement of working processes.
Netvitc System® joins different hydraulic elements (accessories, valves, filters…) as well as combine lots of materials due to its different outlets.
It is Netvitc System®’s core and was especially created to be used in any condition. Its metallic core makes it stable on high pressures. Its bilabial design increases the sealing as pressure increases and its surface with perimeter nerves ensures an optimal performance on low pressures.